Cosmetic acupuncture is a facial rejuvenation therapy that improves the appearance and health of your skin and combats the effects of aging. Through the use of extremely fine, and relatively painless, needles at specific points on the face and body, facial acupuncture naturally induces the production of collagen and elastin to tone the skin and smooth wrinkles. It also improves circulation and lymphatic fluid movement to the face, giving you a healthy glow.
Cosmetic acupuncture our favourite Replete Wellness natural beauty treatment at because it addresses both the mind and body. A typical treatment begins with body needles to relax the mind and improve balance within the physical body. Delicate needles are inserted into muscles of the face to improve blood and energy circulation, nourishing the skin and increasing natural collagen production to diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Then, fine needles called intradermals are inserted into superficial lines of the face. These tiny needle puncture the top layer of the skin to trigger the body to create new collagen and elastin, which fills in fine lines. Trained in anti-ageing medicine + cosmetic rejuvenation acupuncture Dr. Sarah has developed a protocol that visibly improve skin firmness, texture and tone. There are even points that can be added to clear acne and the results are astounding, and almost immediate.
Initial treatment is 45 minutes and includes an intake + skin analysis to determine concerns and goals of the treatment. A combination of body and facial acupuncture is then done to balance the skin from the inside out and increase collagen production, followed by a Gua Sha or Jade Rolling massage if indicated to sculpt facial muscles, increase circulation, drain lymph nodes, reduce puffiness and relax facial tension. All cosmetic acupuncture sessions are finished with an all natural topical treatment specific to your skin health concerns.
*please be aware this is not a traditional facial and does not include steaming, extractions or a mask.